Advancing Language Access
Everyone deserves to be understood.
in 40+ languages, at fair rates.
In-Person, Over-the-Phone and Video Remote in 50+ languages.
services to help government, healthcare, education, nonprofit and private sector organizations become accessible.
On-site and Virtual for service providers for a variety of language access topics and best practices.

social impact
Profits generated through our business activities are used to finance innovative social impact initiatives. These initiatives:
provide free translation and interpretation to selected nonprofits through our Language Access Project program,
provide quality jobs and growth opportunities for Global Wordsmiths’ linguists, and
help service providers to build or improve their language access policies and procedures.
Our impact initiatives create and advance a culture of language accessibility in the region. This directly enables equitable access to services for English-learning immigrants and refugees who need these vital services to integrate and thrive, while also helping clients expand their service capacity, remain legally compliant, and build sustainable accessibility policies.
language matters
As a Social Enterprise, we recognize that language access is a civil right, that our linguists deserve quality jobs, and that we must give back to our communities.
The profits we earn through business activities are used to finance our innovative Social Impact Initiatives. These initiatives:
provide free translation and interpretation to selected nonprofits through our Language Access Project program,
provide quality jobs and growth opportunities for our staff, and
help service providers to build or improve their language access policies and procedures.
Our goal is to create and advance a culture of language access awareness, so that translations and interpreters will become more widely available for individuals who need them in order to access services, to integrate and to thrive.