The Language Access Project
The Language Access Project (LAP) is Global Wordsmiths' flagship Social Impact Initiative. Here's how it works:
First, we choose talented bilingual university students and put them through our month-long, professional interpreter/ translator training program.
Next, we choose 3 - 5 local nonprofit Partner Organizations that work directly with immigrants and refugees in Western Pennsylvania.
Then, we supervise and mentor the interns for a period of 1 - 2 semesters while they provide written translation and oral interpretation to the Partner Organizations at no cost.
During the 1 - 2 semester Cycle, Global Wordsmiths also works closely with the Partner Organizations to provide:
help prioritizing documents for translation (for example, brochures, intake forms, etc. which can be used after The Language Access Project has ended),
training, to teach Partner Organization staff how to work with interpreters and how to provide meaningful access, and
guidance and consulting to help Partner Organizations form long-term language access plans and procedures.
Applications for the next cycle of The Language Access Project are now closed.
Interested in becoming an LAP Intern or Partner Organization? Please contact info@globalwordsmiths.com to apply.
Past Participants

Thank you to our fiscal sponsor, New Sun Rising, and to all of our funders!